Thursday, May 05, 2005

Time Travel at MIT

Military insignia of a purported American time traveler John Titor

MIT is holding "the first and only" Time Traveler Convention this Saturday, May 7. (That's right, one is all you need since you can always come back.)
Leaving nothing to chance, the entirely serious event gives precise directions for all those arriving from the future, or the past: East Campus Courtyard, MIT, 42:21:36.025 N, 71:05:16.332 W.
All time travelers are required to bring "some sort of proof that you do indeed come from the future, and haven't just dressed like you do. We welcome any sort of proof, but things like a cure for AIDS or cancer, a solution for global poverty, or a cold fusion reactor would be particularly convincing as well as greatly appreciated."
The organizers admit that they not at all sure whether time travel is at all possible. However, they are quick to ad that " the ancient Greeks would have thought computers were impossible, and the Phoenicians certainly wouldn't have believed that humans would one day send a spacecraft to the moon and back. We cannot predict the future of science or technology, so we can only make an effort and see if any time travelers come to our convention."
Sadly, only astralavista readers with time machines can take advantage of this post, tunnel back and sign up. MIT has already shut down registration "due to the overwhelming response."

i spend a whole night immersed in Titorology once. (works of 'a beautiful mind'?) Is there any conference updates available? Pictures? Ilias
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